Tactical Investor Contact Information

Tactical Investor Contact Information

Tactical Investor Contact Information

Tactical Investor Contact Info

For inquiries, please reach out to us at the email address below. We strive to respond promptly. Subscribers are encouraged to use the same email from which the newsletter is sent for a faster response.

Our approach is not about pinpointing exact tops or bottoms—we focus on identifying topping and bottoming action. While our calls often align closely with market highs and lows, that is not our primary objective. Instead, we seek to recognize trend shifts early and position accordingly. The trend indicator is one of our most powerful tools in this process.

What sets us apart is our ability to balance profit maximization with stress minimization—a rare combination in the financial world. Our proprietary indices and key technical indicators have been instrumental in achieving this. If you’re looking for a way to stay consistently on the right side of the market without the burden of excessive fear and stress, you’ve found the right place.

The trend is your ally—everything else is noise.

Contact us:
tacticalsubscriptions at gmail.com (replace “at” with @. (We list it in this format to prevent automated harvesting).

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I recently subscribed to your newsletter, but I have not received anything at all in the month that I’ve been subscribed. I have tried to contact you, but I’m afraid the contact form you guys have above seems to be broken. Any help?


Tactical Investor

Pay pal sends you an email confirmation after you subscribe. Please email that address so that we can respond to you. The contact form on this site was giving some problems it has been re-enabled but that form is not the fastest way to get in touch with us. Our email that appears on the confirmation you received from PayPal is the best address to get in touch with us. Did you check your bulk folder?

Tactical Investor

I just checked our records, your subscription was processed long time ago, 3 days after you signed up and the address that we used (the one that PayPal) provides us with ends with @cryptogroup.net. We only send to the email address that is registered with Pay pal please check that email address.

Sorry, but I never got an e-mail confirmation from Paypal regarding that newsletter subscription.

Tactical Investor

Could you please provide us with an email address for as the one we have, and i will provide only the last part for security purposes is [email protected]

You can also send us an email at tacticalsubscriptions at gmail.com . We have been sending you updates to the above email address. it is also highly unusual that Pay pal did not send you an email. You should contact them and tell them that they are creating an issue for you. When you sign up an email goes out from PayPal to you with all our contact information.

I am sorry to give you so much headache about this subscription issue. If it’s taking too much of your time and effort, just forget about it. I only regret that this thing got in the way, much as I would like to be a regular subscriber of your newsletter.

Tactical Investor

Bernado, our contact phone is working why don’t you contact us through that so we have an email to get in touch with you. It appears that the email you gave Paypal is old. We also gave you an email to get in touch with us.

So please use the contact form above or send an email to us at tacticalsubscriptions at gamil.com change at for @. We need to have a proper contact email for you. So far you have not provided us with a good alternative email address to get in touch with you. You also have not contacted us via the email address I provided to you last time and am providing to you again.

We have 3 options

1) Use contact form above which is working, and provide us with a good email to get in touch with you
2)Respond to tacticalsubscriptions atgmail.com (replace at with @)
3) Reply to this message with a good email contact. The 1st two options are the best

Once we have a proper email for you, we can get this resolved in five minutes

If that is the case, please just use this e-mail instead: . Let me know what other steps I should take in order to fix this issue.


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