
Russia’s Syrian Success A boon For weapons Sales

Russia’s Syrian Success: Weapons Sales Rising The Syrian operation provided an “excellent opportunity to show off the goods”, Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, told Al Jazeera. The operation provided a chance to battle-test “all the last-generation military systems that Russia could not test in military condition – … Read more

China & Russia Join forces to Destroy ISIS

China & Russia Join forces The Chinese government agreed to the Russian proposal of sending ground troops to Syria to help Assad by fighting against Syrian rebels and ISIS. The Chinese parliament passed a bill in last Sunday that would allow the Chinese troops to carry out anti-terror missions abroad. After passing the bill, China … Read more

Syrians Thank Putin for Liberating a United and Free Syria

A New Dawn: Syrians Thank Putin for A Free Syria “Thank you, Russia! Thank you, Hezbollah! Thank you, Iran!” exclaims the man with fervor as he passes us in the bustling square. We find ourselves in Nubl, a vibrant town in Syria, predominantly inhabited by Shia Muslims who staunchly support the government. The proximity to … Read more

Hidden Agenda Review; All three wars were predicted decades ago

Hidden Agenda Review The blocks are being set Worldwide for a massive religious war. Europe now needs to make a smart and tough choice, abandon the sanctions against Russia and work with them or continue to implement them and lose even more market share in Russia to competitors. The market share Europeans have lost so … Read more

Debt Alleviation: Consequences Corporate Debt Forgiveness

Forgiving Corporate Debt: Analyzing the Impact of $400 Billion Relief If you or I work overseas, we are taxed on our income, sure a small amount is technically tax-free, but even then, it’s not entirely tax-free; you have to pay some taxes and let’s not forget the vast fees one has to the accountants if … Read more

Sugar daddy Meet Student Sugar Babies; Sex to pay for College

ing for a quick buck Sugar Daddy Meet the Student Sugar Baby. Updated May 2023 Is the economic outlook so bad that over two million students reportedly have ‘Sugar Daddies’ to help pay off student loans? We beg to differ; we think this generation is spoilt.   Look at the video and wake up to … Read more

Shanghai se Composite Index & The Margin Trading Story

Shanghai SE Composite Index Outlook Updated Aug 2019 Some experts are claiming that stocks in China have rallied sharply from their lows because of state-backed entities such as the unit known as the “National Team”, which is equivalent to the PPT  (Plunge Protection Team) in the U.S. Even if this is the case,  why point a … Read more

Yuan surges past Canadian dollar for Global Payments

Yuan surges past Canadian dollar: Whose Next? The Yuan continues to gain traction as a  medium of payment in the Global Market. In  2012, it was ranked 12th, and in just four years, it has surged so far.  The next challenge will be the Euro, and then it will be the destination USD. It is … Read more

Explosive Revelations About the Maidan Square Massacre

 Investigating the Controversial Events of the Maidan Square Massacre Updated Dec 18, 2019 A concerning possibility emerges regarding the Maidan shootings in a recently surfaced online conversation between EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and the Estonian foreign affairs minister. During the conversation, Urmas Paet stated, “There is now a stronger and stronger understanding that … Read more

Federal Reserve existence based on Fraud

Federal Reserve is a Fraud that has been legitimized by the press Most people do not even know this, but the Federal Reserve is not even a federal entity, it’s a private entity, the name Federal was used to give it the look and feel of legitimacy. However, it is far from legitimate; bankers control … Read more