Coin Clippage

Coin Clippage

The Art of Clipping Coinage
by Sol Palha, with Alan Lunt, John Tyler & Art Soukup

Coin Clippage

Sure of their qualities and demanding praise, more go to ruined fortunes than are raised.
Alexander Pope 1688-1744, British Poet, Critic, Translator



In the good old days when payment for goods was made in Gold, people still tried to find ways to cheat the system. Merchants and other crooks would look to shave some of the gold of the coins or replace some of the content with lead etc.

It seems the need to rob and cheat each other is wired into us, and as time passes by, we just seem to perfect this art. Most individuals are not looking to help their fellow brothers; rather they would be only too happy to bury them as soon as possible.

The feds have taken this simple principle, turbocharged and modernised it They simply starting backing the US dollar with less and less gold until they found out that the world was dumb enough to believe that Gold was useless. They then removed the Gold standard completely and the world did nothing. Technically one could argue that Gold still backs the US dollar. The problem is finding out how much Gold Either way, in Fort Knox, for all we know more Gold than stated has been sold off and replaced with lead bricks. Even if all the Gold were to be there, the price of Gold would have to go up several thousand dollars to truly back the US dollar.

The Feds have just found a clever way of clipping gold coins. Instead of slowly stealing a little bit at a time, they just went for the jugular and took it all. The worst part is the masses sit in a frozen stupor and clap their hands and praise these arrogant swines.  If you think the world is going to wake up anytime soon, you are in for a rude awakening. Wait for my follow-up essay that will deal with two-topics investor sentiment and the average Joe’s out look on Gold. (I spent about one month on the road, mostly in Florida collecting data on investor sentiment). The average person has no idea of what Gold truly represents and so it is going to be a long slow, protracted battle.

One thing most people forget and on occasion it slips my mind to, is that the Feds are a group of very evil, very smart and ruthless individuals. So do not think they will just bow down and drop dead. They have had the luxury of studying many worthless paper currency blunders that were committed in the past and have now perfected the Art of Defrauding and Robbing a Nation and its people of all their assets. In another follow-up article I will also speak of a tool that the Feds have come out with that could be Gold’s nemesis.

In the end,, the only group of people who will win any battle are non-biased investors and that means you should not be a bear, a bull or bug for that matter of fact. You should simply be a cold,, calculating investor. Forget about all this “let’s stand together BS and fight to the end principle.” The only thing left standing will be the marker on your grave. In the market,, you do not stand together, because ”it’s the winner take all principle” that prevails. Those that try to stand together will simply find themselves in the sights of a plethora of machine guns. A market means that at the end of the day for every dollar won, someone has to lose a dollar. So no matter what camp you think you are in, no amount of happy clapping will get you into the promised land, unless you open your eyes and your mind and learn to trade in an unbiased way. There are a few good times to win, but there is always a good time to lose, and the market is riddled with the bodies of losers who thought they would end up winners.

Victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan.
Galeazzo Ciano

Clipped Coinage
by Alan Lunt

Clipping coinage, or debasing a currency is the art of the modern age. Little do the perpetrators realise that time after time throughout history each attempt has ended in failure. Before milling was placed around the edge of gold coins, people used to shave the coins, reducing the gold content of each coin making them less desirable to hold. Clipped coins were recognised as bad money, and they were discounted. In Germany the cunning money makers added lead to the gold, ostensibly to increase the money supply, that failed when the result of that clipping of the gold content lead to hyperinflation. In Spain when the new gold arrived from the new world the influx of money reduced the value of gilder. In fact, each time people have “made” money they have killed it’s value.

Enter the Age of the Central Banker. These men and woman have one task to perform, and that is to increase the monetary base. By increasing that base, they encourage debasing of the currency thereby causing inflation. Governments are not immune from encouraging their bankers to print money. The added money can be spent by Government on “much needed social programs”. Finance ministers surely know that they are stealing the savings of their constituents by inflation reducing the value of money. It is a tax, there can be no other conclusion. An insidious eating of the value of money gnaws at the core of a sound economy. It creates an “incentive trap”. The incentive is to spend now and not save a bean, as the bean looses value, or as most people see it prices rise. It drives people to borrow money as they fear prices will get away on them if they hold off from purchasing: be it stocks, property or consumables.

All this “pushing to purchase” has created a credit society. The most important thing a person can have is a credit record. How ludicrous. I know of people who have millions, they never borrowed anything, yet they are deemed to be a credit risk because they have no credit record.


A new age is dawning, it is a slow bloomer, but the debt will become a dirty word as the Kondratiev Winter starts to bite. As people become unable to pay off the debts at ever increasing interest rates, the money lenders will start to fail. The initial indicators will be misread, but bad policy by lending institutions will start to be recognised. As an example the West Pac Banking Corporation was flush with liquidity, their advertising ploy was to paper the walls of the banks with posters proclaiming “How Landlords Get Wealthy”. The subtle message was that if you were renting, you should be buying and not contributing to your Landlords wealth. The message also suggests that prices never fall, and interest rates never rise. How stupid is that? Is it greed that drives people to leverage themselves to the hilt, or is it fear? Fear of being left behind or greed for the potential gains. Either way it is the unacknowledged knowledge that inflation will eat away at the core of their finances if they do nothing. We have been conditioned from when all vestiges of a monetary standard were wiped internationally in the early 1970’s. The chronic inflation that followed is still remembered by the baby boomers, the values of saving were whipped from all thought processes and not passed down to the next generation. Oh the web that has been weaved.

What happens when the word “value” is not tied to the word “debt?” Value is something that is intrinsic and lasting, not something to be debased at the whim of socialistic morons. The message is clear, we need to be re-educated to the true meaning of the word inflation. Rising prices is a result, not the cause. The cause is clipping of the currency, printing money. Look no further than your elected leaders. According to David Bond,  and if history is any guide, the life-span of a fiat currency since Roman times, from naissance to collapse is about 30 years. New Zealand coinage came into decimal currency on 10th of July 1967. Copper/Nickel. Next to valueless. Units of exchange that have no base. Clipped currency.

As the renowned economist Ludwig von Mises warned us decades ago: “There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” [Human Action, Regnery, 1966, p. 572.]

The entire world economy rests on the consumer;
if he ever stops spending money he doesn’t have on things he doesn’t need – we’re done for.
The Mogambo Guru
Professor Richard Dougherty

The time to worry has past; the time to plan is NOW.

© 2004 Alan Lunt
Guest Contributor at the Tactical Investor

The Holey Dollar
by John Tyler

No folks, I did mean “Holey” rather than “Holy”, although the dollar is given God-like status by many.

The dollar I refer to is a more historical example of clippage. The new governor of the Colony of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie, in the year 1809 inherited a difficult money problem (has there ever been a simple money problem except not having enough?). There was just not enough money around. As soon as a silver dollar surfaced, it was traded for the essentials of survival in a new land, and exported away by the trader for a huge profit. As a result, there was no coinage in the colony, and the troops had to be paid in rum!

Like the present day the USA, the colony of New South Wales , needed imports to survive. Unlike the USA however, the defiling quality of the monetary printing press was yet to be discovered, so Macquarie hatched a cunning plan.

Macquarie imported 40,00 silver Spanish Dollars, and had a convicted forger punch out the center of the dollar to create a lower denomination coin, the “Dump”. This was over stamped with the colonial crown, and the internal rim of the now “Holey Dollar” had “New South Wales “ stamped.

So we see the use of a forger make 1 + 1=3, and at the same time devalue the currency to anyone who had previously been exporting the silver currency for profit. The guarantee of government also became the alchemical philosopher’s stone, creating value from more common elements. This friends was done by the USA when the dollar/gold link was severed.

The great irony is that to collectors; a Holey Dollar is now worth $100,000 and a dump $40,000.Who knows what gold will be worth after it has been “clipped” from the dollar?
An example of a “Holey Dollar”.
Only 350 survived as they were recalled to the smelter’s pot.

© 2004 John Tyler
Consultant to

Paper money is just a hobby!!
By Art Soukup

What a strange-sounding phrase the above is.

What an odd notion that paper money is just a hobby.

At any rate, the phrase is really really important for your economic future, so take the time to learn.

Still, I wonder if there is any truth to the title phrase. Let’s see if we can find out by first getting the definitions of words and terms. After that, we will then analyze what we have found. We will start with the definition of the word “hobby”.

At this location: you will find this definition: Hobby

(n.) A small, strong-winged European falcon (Falco subbuteo), formerly trained for hawking.
(n.) Alt. of Hobbyhorse A strong winged European falcon…perhaps the Eurodollar. It seems to be somehow related to a hobbyhorse, so at this location: you will find this definition: Hobbyhorse

(n.) A strong, active horse, of a middle size, said to have been originally from Ireland; an ambling nag.
(n.) A stick, often with the head or figure of a horse, on which boys make believe to ride.
(n.) A subject or plan upon which one is constantly setting off; a favorite and ever-recurring theme of discourse, thought, or effort; that which occupies one’s attention unduly, or to the weariness of others; a ruling passion.

Hmm, A ruling passion, that one focuses undue attention upon. Hmm again, A favourite and ever-recurring theme of discourse. The editorials at various websites are always about the different kinds of paper money and their relation to precious metals; therefore, all the editorials are different kinds of hobbyhorses.

Makes sense.

We now need the definition of “paper money”, so at this location:
you will find this definition: PAPER MONEY Pronunciation: ‘peypur ‘munee
Definition: [n] currency issued by a government or central bank and consisting of printed paper that can circulate as a substitute for specie.
Synonyms: folding money, paper currency.
See Also: Bank bill, bank note, banker’s bill, banknote, bill, currency, Federal Reserve note, fiat money, fractional currency, government note, greenback, note.

Hmmm, paper money is a “substitute for specie”.

And specie defined: is WordNet Dictionary

Definition: [n] coins collectively
Synonyms: coinage, metal money, mintage
See Also: coin, currency

Webster’s 1913 Dictionary
Definition: \Spe”ci*e\, abl. of L. species sort, kind. Used in the phrase in specie, that is, in sort, in kind, in (its own) form. [The king] expects a return in specie from them” [i.e, kindness for kindness]. –Dryden. {In specie} (Law), in precise or definite form; specifically; according to the exact terms; of the very thing.

\Spe”cie\, n. [Formed as a singular from species, in sense 5.] Coin; hard money.

So coin hard money is specie, and paper money is printed paper that can circulate as a substitute for specie. We now have the words and phrases defined for the necessary insight, but where is the PROOF!!

For your reading misery, the following link points to all 50 titles of the us code.

I said misery because it took me about two months just to read to the shortest title of all, Title 13 Census. I had to read many other titles (a few years), until I found the proof that “paper money is just a hobby”.

So for your reading pleasure, here are the links. Read them in sequence and look for the phrase “paper money”.  <– top link to commerce and trade.
Just a quick look. No need to read.
  <– Hobby Protection.
  <– Marking requirements.
  <– Private Enforcement.

All of the interesting stuff in the US code always seems to be stuffed away under definitions or misc.

So at this location:  <– Definitions. You find in Section THREE: (3)

The term ”original numismatic item” means anything which has been a part of a coinage or issue which has been used in exchange or has been used to commemorate a person or event. Such term includes coins, tokens, paper money, and commemorative medals. Hmmm, “used to commemorate a person “… so that’s why there is a picture of a person on the paper; George Washington, Alex Hamilton, the Queen of England, and so on.

So you now have PROOF that “PAPER MONEY is just a hobby”, Requiring some kind of protection because it is an ORIGINAL NUMISMATIC ITEM that is (Falco subbuteo), formerly trained for hawking. Gee, by now you should be getting a warm fuzzy feeling KNOWING that your entire wealth is based upon someone else’s HOBBY; which by the way, occupies one’s attention unduly. So much for the concept of “Valuations”.

One nice thing about gold and silver, no hobbyhorse can print the stuff.

© 2004 Art Soukup
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”


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