Right Side of History: The Founders Had an Answer For Fake News’

Right Side of History:

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor

The right side of history

The right side of history; Fake News Equates to Garbage

It’s not even 2018, and there is already a slew of articles stating that the markets are going to crash in 2018.  What is amusing is that these very same individuals have been making the same prediction for nigh on ten years.  You would think that by now they would have had some sense knocked into them; especially since they have taken such a massive drubbing. No such luck, the same experts keep mouthing the same nonsense hoping desperately for a new outcome. Will The Stock Market Crash In 2018?

“The Right Side of History” is a podcast dedicated to exploring current events through a historical lens and busting left-wing myths about figures and events of America’s past.

On this week’s episode, hosts Jarrett Stepman, a contributor to The Daily Signal, and Fred Lucas, The Daily Signal’s White House correspondent, discuss the fake news phenomenon, the history of media in America, and current threats to free speech rights. Laws to regulate news are already on the books in some European countries.

The debate boils down to who decides what is the truth, the government or the people?

Stepman wrote about the history of fake news and how the Founding Fathers dealt with it. Read more


Fake news Trend is in Bull Mode

Writing in the section where the French philosopher predicted that a free press would advance knowledge and create a more informed public, Adams scoffed. “There have been more new error propagated by the press in the last ten years than in a hundred years before 1798,” he wrote at the time.

The charge feels shockingly modern. Were he to have written the sentiment in 2018, and not at the turn of the 19th century, it’s easy to imagine that at just 112 characters, he might have tweeted it, instead.

While Chinese monks were block printing the Diamond Sutra as early as 868 A.D. and German printer Johannes Gutenberg developed a method of movable metal type in the mid-1400s, it took until the Enlightenment for the free press as we know it today to be born.

Fake news, as it turns out, is no recent phenomenon. But what we’re talking about when we talk about fake news requires some clarification. In a 2017 paper published in the journal Digital Journalism, researchers at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University came up with six distinct definitions of fake news after examining 34 academic articles that studied the term between 2003 and 2017 in the context of the United States, as well as Australia, China and Italy. Read more


The History of Fake News in the United States

Fake news isn’t suddenly ruining America, but putting the government in charge of deciding what news is fake will.In the wake of President Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, numerous media outlets ran stories claiming that many websites had published false stories that helped Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

However, intentionally misleading news has been around since before the invention of the printing press. In fact, our Founding Fathers grappled with this very issue when they created our system of government. They saw that while it was tempting to censor fake stories, ultimately, the truth was more likely to be abused by an all-powerful government arbiter than the filter of unimpeded popular debate. Attempts to weed out factually incorrect news reports can quickly morph into fact-checking and manipulating differences in opinion.

When the Federalist Party passed the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts under President John Adams to clamp down on “false, scandalous and malicious writing” against the government in the midst of the “Quasi-War” with France, there was an immense backlash. A few journalists were arrested, but the governing party was crushed in future elections and ceased to exist shortly thereafter. In the United States, press freedom would become an almost unquestioned element of American culture and policy. Read more

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