At gun show; what Trump’s election means for sales

At gun show; what Trump's election means for sales

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor

Trump Election Shows ‘Democrats Are Good for Gun Sales’

After all, under Barack Obama we witnessed 19 consecutive months of record background checks May 2015 through November 2016. In fact, so many background checks were performed January 1, 2016, through November 30, 2016, that those 11 months alone surpassed previous annual records for background checks.

While such checks were not a precise indicative of the number of gun sales taking place at retail, they certainly portended record or near-record sales. And those sales were driven, in part, by Obama’s relentless push for more gun control; a drive that was complimented by a gun control push more broadly sponsored by Democrat Party members of the House and Senate.

Concern that Hillary Clinton might win the 2016 presidential election fueled gun sales even more. According to Houston Public Media, Nova Firearm’s owner Tom Jenkins said he literally could not keep guns like AR-15s in stock as the presidential election drew closer. People were worried Clinton would win and institute a ban on “assault weapons” with the help of the Democrat Party.

Jenkins said, “During the political crisis we had dozens of them downstairs, and then there would be zero. And it would go again and then go again. And right up to the election, literally, brought them in, brought them up and sold them.” Full Story

Trump’s election hasn’t helped gun manufacturers

Trump’s victory seemed as if it would bring a boon to gunmakers. Yet more than a year into his presidency, the stock performances of gun manufacturers tell a surprising story: Among the nation’s top companies, three — American Outdoor Brands, Vista Outdoor and Sturm, Ruger & Co. — have seen a large drop in the value of their share prices since the day after Trump’s election in November 2016.

The United States’ deep divisions over guns intensified after 17 people — most of them teenagers — were fatally shot at a Florida high school on Feb. 14. Students who survived the massacre have demanded common-sense gun-control legislation from Washington. President Trump and the NRA say guns, in particular the AR-15 used in the shooting, are not to blame. They point to a breakdown in mental-health and law enforcement systems that they say failed to thwart the rampage.

Under President Barack Obama “people said, ‘We better go out and purchase the guns now while we can,’ ” said Michael Busler, a professor of finance at Stockton University. “Then when President Trump was elected, they felt exactly the opposite.” Full Story

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